Okay, my darling blog world friends, this is a TENTATIVE book cover for Abbie Ann, book three in my DAUGHTERS OF JACOB KANE series. (You'll notice the words iStockPhoto across the bottom. Ignore that. Also, it's a bit bleary, but that will all be fixed later after they purchase the images.)
I think Abbie is beautiful, but the mole above her mouth threw me for a loop. Graphics can easily remove it if I don't like it, but I'm going to consider your votes as to whether I should keep it there or not. So....what do you think? Yes or No?
Send in your votes. If you want, you can also tell me your reasons for either liking or disliking it.
Isn't this fun? You have a chance to get in on the ground floor of book-cover designing and make your vote count! Yippee-Skippy.
I love you all!
I vote NO to the mole!
My vote is also no. :)
I agree..."no" on the mole.
I am in agreement, I say no to the mole. She is beautiful with it! But, it could be distracting and if it isn't written into the story one may wonder why it is in the photo. DOes that make sense?
I like the mole, it makes her more individual
Hate to go against the flow, but I think the mole is sexy.
But maybe you don't want her to be sexy?
My vote is, it stays. If it's good for Marilyn Monroe and Cindy Crawford...
LOVE the mole!! I think I'm in the minority but I'm being honest. =)
The mole is a little distracting, but it really does not take away from the beauty of the gal's face. She's not "perfect", and I think that makes true beauty. I would leave it as it is.
I'm assuming this book does not take place in modern times, and for that reason- if it's true, I'd say no. I think the mole makes her look more current- I hope that makes sense!
I like the mole
I vote no on the mole as well and it looks like she has shimmery lipstick on? Maybe it is just the photo.
My vote is also NO to the mole.
somehow I think the mole makes her look more modern, so maybe no. then again i think it is kind of pretty and not all that noticeable, so i'm not sure. i think if you imagined her without it while you were writing it should come off.
Hey, you guys are wonderful!!! I'm getting a lot of votes at Facebook and Shoutlife, too. I have to say the vote is pretty much split down the middle.
I'll let you know the decision later...
PLEASE PLEASE keep the mole! Sniff. I have one in almost the same place and I NEVER see covers with moles. This cover made me feel so good. Ok, I just sound like a complete sob story, but I think the mole speaks to people who have what CAN be considered a blemish. Because of it, I immediately connected to the picture and immediately to the character. Of course, I'm a visual person and so I buy covers without reading the backs just 'cause i like the cover. (of course, if you remove the mole, I'll STILL buy the book - however, if you KEEP the mole, I'll feel it's a teensy bit because of me :)
I see you have another Dorothy visiting your blog...I agree with her! Let it stay. It's beautiful!
Ah, two Dorothys! Can't have too many Dorothys, right? But where are all the Sharlenes? haha!
Again, want to thank all of you for stopping by with your valuable input and "mole votes". ~grins~
I think the mole should stay. Not many books with people on the covers have any facial fetures on them, and I think the mole makes Annie More human and real to the reader reading the book, and it also makes her extremly uneak considering not many (like i said before)books with people on them have a mole or something like it. I think the mole should STAY.
I like it. And if you didn't point it out, I wouldn't have noticed. But, I don't know your story.
Keep it!!
I have a good friend who is Sharlene ~ it is not unusual to find Sharlenes in Australia!!!
i voted on FB, and I'll vote on here too -- YES TO THE MOLE!!
Founder, Leave The Mole Alone Foundation
Hi Sharlene,
This was fun. Thanks for asking. In my addled brain, this makes perfect sense, but I don't know if it will mean anything to you or not, so here goes. In light of Abbie's older sister, Hannah's perception of her, I think the mole should stay. I don't believe you made reference to any distinguishing marks in Hannah's descriptions of either of her sisters but if I recall correctly, she (Hannah) downplayed her own beauty and thought both of her sisters were stunning. (I couldn't go back and check because I've already passed the book along to a family member who read it and gave it to her pastor's wife to read.) I'm assuming there will be further descriptions of the threesome in Maggie Rose, which I can't wait to read, by the way. I believe the mole would add to Abbie's personality and character, even if it's only a small part of the story, but I'm guessing that since it threw you for a loop, it's probably already a bigger part of the story than you want. Anyway, I told you this might not make sense to anyone but me. On a serious note though, please let me know how I can be more specific in my prayers for your writing. Sounds like you have a deadline coming up.
Blessings and Prayers,
Patti Hayes
I like the mole...rather Cindy Crawford-ish, I think. Besides, as I recall from the first book (haven't gotten to #2 yet!), Abbie Ann is the stinker of the three girls, right? It accents her individuality.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, everybody! You are all so sweet for taking the time to cast your votes. I STILL don't know which way we will go - mole or not - but I truly appreciate everybody's worthwhile input. It has given me plenty to think about.
Patty Hayes, you asked for specific prayer requests from me. I could not respond to you personally since I couldn't find an address for you, so I'll just post publicly. I would TRULY, MOST ASSUREDLY appreciate your prayers that I can keep my mind focused on writing Abbie Ann. It does feel like I am very easily distracted from my "duties" as a writer. (God has called me to this profession.) I ask you to pray that my mind will literally FILL with ideas so that I just can hardly pull myself away from the computer to take a break. I really need this sort of inspiration in my life right now. So, for anyone reading this, I would SO MUCH value your prayers for me during the writing of this final book in the series. Thank you, thank you, dear friends.
I love you all dearly.
Hi Sharlene,
Thanks for responding with specific prayer requests. In struggling to stay focused and writing every day to try to finish this first book, I can certainly pray with understanding and will be delighted to serve your writing ministry by praying for you.
Blessings to you,
Patti Hayes
I say a big "no" to the mole--and this is coming from someone with a mole herself (that I really like).
In this situation, it looks like a printing error or a smudge. I find it distracting, especially where it is located. The swirls on the "bb"s in Abbie draw a lot of attention to it.
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