My Books

My Story...

I have always loved to read fiction, but I didn't actually try my hand at writing it till I reached the ripe age of 51 in the summer of 2000. Oh, I'd dabbled in short stories in high school, but then college, a teaching career, motherhood, and so many other things seemed to push my love of writing aside. Years later, after my children started leaving home, and I knew that retirement couldn't be far off, I started wondering what lay ahead for me. I wanted my life to continue having rich meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

And so I made it a matter of sincere prayer. "God, please show me next steps for my life. May my life count for You and the Kingdom of God." My earnest prayer became, "God, if You can use me to make an eternal difference in the lives of others, I want to avail myself."

One night in the summer of 2000, I had the strangest dream that I'd written a book. I awoke thinking, 'What an odd dream!' I tossed it aside and didn't give it another thought. But then a few nights later the dream repeated itself, and then again - and again. (Okay, so I'm a little slow on the draw! haha) After about the fourth recurrence of this "silly" dream, I remembered having asked God for "next steps" in my life, and I wondered...could it be? Is God actually asking me to write a book? I had a plot in mind, but the big question nagging at me was: What if I can't get beyond page one?

Well, I did get beyond the first page! In fact, I finished that manuscript in about six weeks - and it became clear in that time that God had planted in me a seed of fiery passion. After completing that first book, I wrote another, and then another! I didn't entertain any notion of publishing, though, until I'd written several manuscripts and allowed a few choice girlfriends (and my darling hubby) to read them. THEY were the ones instrumental in encouraging me to share my stories. Thus began my journey of studying the publishing industry and finally landing a home for my books.

Writing has been a wonderful journey of joy. Granted, bumps and unexpected turns make up my journey, but when God calls us down a path, He doesn't always promise smooth sailing. However, one thing is clear to me and that is this: GOD IS NEVER DONE WITH THE SURRENDERED HEART! Back in 2000 I prayed a prayer of commitment to the Lord, gave Him my all, and asked Him to guide the remainder of my days. And He has done just that.

When you humbly seek God's direction, He never leaves you hanging. He loves surrendered hearts. In fact, He takes that heart into His capable hands and says, "This is Mine. My beloved has entrusted it to Me, and I will cherish it into eternity."

Have you entrusted your heart, life, and soul into God's capable hands? If not, don't delay. He has the most marvelous path already carved out for you.

P.S. If you want to check out my books, feel free to click on any of them for synopses or buying information!