What I mean to say is, he just plopped a carton containing hot-off-the-press copies of Maggie Rose on my front porch! Want to try to win a copy? I'll tell you how in a second...but first...
Here's the back cover blurb:
1904...New York City
Maggie Rose, the spunky, friendly, twenty-year-old middle daughter of Michigan resident Jacob Kane, feels compelled to leave her beloved hometown of Sandy Shores to pursue what she believes in her heart are God's plans for her life -- in New York City.
Maggie Rose adjusts to her new life at Sheltering Arms Refuge, an orphanage that also transports homeless children to towns across the United States to match them with compatible families. Most of the children have painful pasts that make Maggie aghast, but she marvels at their resiliency. As she gets to know each child, her heart blossoms with new depths of love and compassion.
When a newspaper reporter comes to stay at the orphanage in order to gather research for an article, Maggie is struck by his handsome face--and concerned by his lack of faith. She can't deny their mutual affections, though. Will she win the struggle to maintain her focus on God and remain attuned to His guidance?
Simply make a comment below telling me why you enjoy reading historical fiction, and I'll enter your name in my proverbial "hat". Enter twice if you like!
This drawing will continue through June 20, as I will be away from my computer the entire week of June 14-19. Going on vacay!
NOW, for another peek at MAGGIE ROSE, my EIGHTH BABY!

Hi!! I just saw the post on Facebook to come here to win your book. :) I would love to have your book so that I can give it my grandma to read. She loves inspirational fiction (I do, too) and she is pretty sick right now and I think it would make her day!!
Thanks for writing your books.
Hillary Eddy.
I'm so excited that your book has arrived! I'm dying to read it! I love historical fiction because it takes me back to the good old days and the way you write it is amazing!! And Maggie is my favorite name too!
Thanks for writing!!!
Sharlene, I would love to have your baby! Um, that doesn't sound right, does it? You know what I mean. I'd love to have a copy of Maggie Rose. Why do I like historical fiction? I think it has always been my favorite genre. If it has been well-researched, it transports me to the time and setting of the novel and usually leaves me curious to do some research on my own. I love exploring new (or old, in this case) stuff, learning new things. A good historical novel always gives me knowledge I didn't have before. Even more, it gives me insight to people of a different time, even different culture. The people in the story may be fictional, but in a good story, like yours in the past, those people are very believable.
I Sharlene! You asked to tell you why I/we enjoy historical fiction. For me, it has brought history alive and it has taken me places and adventures that as a homemaker has been alot of fun. I am our church's librarian and it has brought me joy to see ladies come and go and chat about the different books. We have a few ladies that have medical problems and the books have given them a chance of escape from their pain. I have ladies who sit by their ailing relative/parent for hours at a time and they come and take 4-6 books each time. So, for me, historical fiction has brought a group of ladies-of ALL age groups together and it gives me great joy to share these books with the them, knowing it is bringing a smile to someone's face.
alright! I can't wait to read it! Good for you! ~blessings from Indiana theMammaof3
Congrats, Sharlene! Beautiful cover too.
I love historical fiction because it takes me back to a time when life was less hectic and things seem to have been simpler. Rules were rules, and gentlemen still existed. (Well there are a few around today too, but you know what I mean, right?)
All that to say, I'd love to win a copy of your baby.
I would love to read this book! I absolutely loved Hannah Grace and can't wait to read about her sister! please enter me!
ecspiers [at] yahoo [dot] com
You write the best historical fiction! It takes me to a time that once was where I can escape for a few hours.
Congrats on the arrival of your baby.
As a retired language arts teacher who taught as a team with a US history teacher, it was so much fun tying novels into the facts of history. Love delving into the past! congratulations, Shar, hoping I can get your book.
As a retired language arts teacher who teamed with a US history teacher, nothing better than tying fiction into history. Love it. Congratulations, Shar. Would love to have a book.
I love the cover, Sharlene. Don't enter me in the drawing because I already ordered my copy and I want someone else to win :D But I wanted to tell you I am so excited!
congratulations, Shar! I am well chuffed & stoked for you! :)
I would *so* cherish winning the drawing for a copy of your newest book. I very much enjoy historical fiction because, as many of my fellow commenters piped in, if it is well written (as yours absolutely are!!) it completely transports me back to its time and place. I tend to identify with certain characters of a particular story, so the setting within which they live through the pages is crucial to augment the sense of immersion and identification. I have felt exactly that whilst reading your Little Hickman Creek series. I truly felt I was part of their small town community, an active participants to their routines, their joys and their struggles! wonderful! ciao bella!!
Hi! I just finished reading Hannah Grace and fell in love with the characters! Gabe & Hannah's faiths were particularly inspirational!
It was especially neat because I was able to read the book while I was working at my summer job - at the State Park on the shores of Lake Michigan (in a town in between Holland & Muskegon that bears an awful lot of resemblence to Sandy Shores ;) ) I stepped into the world of Sandy Shores while literally feeling the damp beach air on my skin and in my hair, imagining their footsteps in the very place I was sitting!
I was thrilled to find out "Maggie Rose" will be released so soon. I can't wait to read about her adventures in New York. I'd love to win a copy. Either way, I'll make sure I'm reading it, come July!
Thank you for your wonderful imagination!
I forgot to say why I love historical fiction - oops :)
I love the simpler times. I love being able to feel as though I'm living life as it was a century ago - slower, less noise, more space.... Historical fiction makes that happen!
I don't usually read historical fiction but your "baby" looks very interesting and I'd love to read it.
OK, I'm hooked, I will need to go out and purchase all of your books! Could you do me a favor and just list them in the order they came out so I can be sure to get them in order. Heck, maybe I will just buy them all at the same time:)I know you gave the order a couple of posts back, but I was wondering if there are other book titles you did not talk about.
I don't tend to read much historical fiction, but my wife absolutely loves your books.
Enjoy your vacation, we'll be vacay'n at the state park near you the week after the 4th.
Hey, all you lovely people, thanks for throwing your name in the "hat". You can enter twice to improve your chances if you like. But two's the limit!
Hope you are all having a lovely day. It's Saturday as I write this, and the weather turned perfect. It was sort of 'iffy' for a while there.
Take care. Sending Love Hugs your way...
Shar, I'd also love to win a copy of your book. I love historical fiction because it has possibilities that you don't get with contemporary novels.
Enjoy your vacation!
Congrats on your new "baby"!! CANNOT WAIT to read about Maggie Rose!!! Put my name in the hat...I'm certain it's a wonderful read!
Sounds wonderful! I'd love to read it! Great cover too. (Thanks, Katy for the heads up) ;)
I like reading historical fiction because (if reasearched well) it gives one a way to "live" in that time period. A way we will never know. The heroes and heriones have to help one another more because they don't have all the modern conveniences that we do now. They have way more couple time together. People were busy back then, but were together being busy; sharing tasks.
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