Monday, July 30, 2012


Oh, how I love God's creation, and looking at my beautiful hibiscus bush in my backyard is one of my favorite pastimes. Despite long, harsh winters and the fact that I cut this bush down to an an inch from the ground every spring so that it looks like I've KILLED it, it never fails to return in all its glory, tall, full, and sprouting the loveliest blossoms I've ever seen!

Oh, that we could all be like this bush - endure the harshest conditions, allow God's pruning, and then bounce back even taller and stronger than the year before. I think I shall make this my prayer..."Lord, help me recover from life's setbacks and come forth with Your beauty radiating from my face and being. Increase my faith and let me be a shining example to others of Your love and faithfulness. In Your name I pray. Amen."

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