I'd like to blame my age, but I've always lacked in the coordination department. Well, today I'm sporting a black eye to prove my inability to walk in a straight line. Ha!
And here is the UGLY, and I mean UGLY, photo of it (and me), taken with my computer lens. Even without a black eye, these computer cameras are for the birds! Does it make any difference to you that I didn't have on a particle of makeup? It does to me, and I'll show you why in a second.

Now for the story of what happened:
I was chasing my one-year-old grandson Gavin yesterday playing..."I'm gonna get you!...". I mean what grandma doesn't play that game, right? Anyway, when I scooped him up we tripped, ur, I tripped. (Looking back, I believe I actually stepped out of my stupid, loose sandal, turning my ankle.) All I really know is one second we were playing in the driveway, and the next, we were lying flat out, he screaming from the goose egg he'd acquired when his head met the pavement, and me moaning when the left side of my face scraped the pitted driveway. I also have a bruised up arm, elbow, and leg, which you won't get the pleasure of seeing. I know, I know, you're deeply disappointed by that. All in all, though, I'm a mess! I'm throwing away those sandals, too! Dumb things. It's all their fault. (By the way, Gavin is fine. His goose egg amounted to nothing more than a couple of scratch marks today. I think I fared worse because I was instinctively trying to protect him, so I took the brunt - as any grandma would.)
Now, here's the cool thing: I took one look in the mirror this morning and groaned, "I'm not going anywhere today! Even Cecil looked at me and in that pathetic tone of his and said, "Oooooh, Babe."
Well, I dragged out my cosmetic bag, of which I have some very dandy, somewhat expensive, makeup called Bare Escentuals. Ever hear of it? Everything is in powder form, and the foundation is, well, almost magical. (This sounds like a commercial.) Granted it's rather caked on the "strawberry" mark I got across my cheek and under my eye, so you'll see the white powerdy glow, but...look at my transformation. I might even go out in public today!

I didn't touch up the photo. What you see where that white sheen is is a thick layer of powder foundation.
In fact, I'll take another photo with my computer screen, so you can really see the comparison in black and white.

You all ought to run out to your nearest Bare Escentuals store -- or look online. (Ebay has it!) This stuff works.
P.S. Sorry, men. I should have warned you this was for women only. But wait! MOTHER'S DAY IS COMING!!!!!!
Hugs and love...
When you look at the black and whites taken from the computer lens it is like looking in a mirror; the color pic was taken with my digital, thereby reversing the image. In other words, we're used to looking at snapshots and looking at, say a right cheek when we're actually looking at a left cheek. Your brain makes the reversal for you. In the three shots of me, you're actually looking at my left cheek (on my FACE, people!!!) in all three photos, even though it seems as if I turned my face another direction. Make sense?
Another P.S. I just realized this could win some sort of award for being the STUPIDEST BLOG IN BLOGWORLD!
I absolutely LOVED your post and laughed all the way through ... though moaned for a moment as I felt your pain. Bare Essentials look amazing. WOW!!! I'm impressed! :)
Dear Jaime,
It thrills me clear to my toes to think that I gave you a major laugh today! hahahaha! I'm giggling, too!
I can't believe I even wrote the stupid thing. I better get back to my book-writing, huh.
Sharlene, sounds like quite an adventure. I am glad you're both okay and your picture is beautiful!
Which picture, Cindy? The first one? haha!
Thanks for stopping by...
Well I'm glad you and your grandson are okay...now where do I find that makeup? :)
Hi, Laura,
I imagine if you just Google "Bare Escentuals" their website will come up. I first discovered their makeup line when I was traveling, and I ran into one of their shops in an airport terminal. I've been using it for over a year now, keep adding to my collection...
I am glad that you and Gavin are okay and only have bumps and bruises! Bare Essentials should link to this post as a great advertisement!!
You can get BE on QVC at great prices.
Hi, sweet 'Nise! So good to hear from you!
I wouldn't have a clue how to link my blog up with BE, but that'd be cool, wouldn't it? teehee.
I will have to check out QVC. I've also made some purchases at Ebay and Amazon.
I first discovered BE at an airport shop while traveling. I spent waaaay too much, but now I wouldn't go back to any other kind of makeup. Love the way it works.
Oh Shar I'm so sorry that happened! It looks so painful. And my mom and I both wear BE and LOVE it! It is expensive but if it can cover up a black eye by all means its worth every penny.
Love and miss you,
Hi, darling Darc!
How is life in Omaha? I miss you sooooo much I can hardly stand it. It's just not right not running into you at church and having you over for the occasional Sunday din-din! I miss those precious little girls of yours, too. I know they're growing so fast.
Love you tons and tons!
Big Hugs...
Of all of those times I've watched the Bare Essentials before and after photos on QVC, these take the cake!
Glad you and Gavin are okay. BE should hire you - not just anyone can apply makeup to look so professional. Impressive.
Patti Hayes
Shar, you are hilarious!!! So sorry about your black eye! I'll bet you're still a bit sore from all that. I use Bare Escentuals and love it...doesn't feel cakey at all. As a matter of fact, I could sleep in it and not know the difference...and I can't stand to sleep in makeup! Way to go, Shar, you're an awesome Grandma! I'll bring my babies up to play with you anytime!
Darling Shannon!!!! Hi, sweetie. You watch QVC? Me too! I know, I could do a BE testimonial for them, couldn't I. How in the world are you and Brian? What's going on in your lives these days? I think I'll go run over to your blog and see if I can get the scoop. Love you!
Hi, Katybug, you sweet thing, you! And I DO sometimes sleep in my makeup--only because I'm too lazy, or sleepy, to wash my face!
You'll bring your babies up to play at my house anytime? When? When? I'm holding you to it!!!!!!
I forgot to wave at Patti! Thanks for stopping by. You think BE should hire me? I'll write and tell them you said that. Can I use you as a reference?
Shar, I'm glad you're ok. How are you feeling now? Usually the aches start up the second day.
God bless.
Therese, you're sweet to ask. I am absolutely fine other than my cheek is still a bit sore to touch and the bruise spread farther than I expected and is now a putrid greenish-yellow color. Sadly, my makeup is not doing quite as good a job as it did that day after. haha!
I watch Gavin on Tuesdays, so today marked our one-week "anniversary" of the fall. (LOL) We did NOT play in the driveway today!!!!!
i'm sooo sorry to read of your PAIN!!! but oh! your Bare Escentuals thing-a-be is the REAL THANG! thank you for giving us before and after photos of how truly amazing this stuff is! i must, must, must buy it , like, PRONTO!!!! I'M TOTALLY GEEKED! :o|
MARIA!!!!!!! Hey, you! We have not connected for a while -- and I think it's my fault. I'm so sorry. Don't forget how much we giggle when we're together.
I promise to write soon. Love you to itty bitty pieces!
giggling now ! I can't wait to see you! Florida is a "GO" ! just a few more months to get us moved :) pondering what to do with the "lovely" kitties! i love you Shar!!!!
You must be joking! This blog ROCKS! Just popped over here from Angie’s blog and what a blessing. I was with you the entire time. Laughing and smiling from ear to ear, well with the exception of the accident part. I was really sorry when I read about the fall, but then you turn the whole thing into something pretty amazing. How cool is that? I will be back to read some more in the near future. I truly enjoy your witty, fun personality. Good things are happening over here:)
Hi again, Angie.
You are too sweet! I did not know my blog rocked. haha. Most of the time it's just plain foolishness, but, hey, life is fun, and I love to write about it.
I'm sorry - I didn't mean to call you Angie. Oh, great. Now what? Well, I'll just call you Much2Ponder for now.
Not a problem with the name thing. Something like that happened to me a while back only I was posting on the other person's blog and calling them by a different name. How sad is that? Here's the story. Both of these women began leaving comments on my blog at around the same time and they were very similar in style and attitude. I just simply mixed them up. It wasn't until weeks later that I realized I was making this mistake. Duh! Talk about strange, they must have thought I was nuts.
The reason I said this blog ROCKS is because of your other post. Just keepin’ it real in the 2000s ha! Seriously, that is not a word I usually use. But you know what? This blog does ROCK or maybe I should say your attitude ROCKS. I like to enjoy life also and BTW my first name is Pat, but you can call me Angie if you like. lol.
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